Restore Freedom with Katherine Henry

Allegan County Election Day 2020 Trespass Case

Video~ Interview: Harvey Freebird on Katherine’s Allegan “Trespass” case

Thank you @HarveyFreebird for covering Katherine Henry’s Allegan County “Trespass” case!

Find Harvey Freebird’s YouTube channel here:
Video originally shared here:

Find the interview by Alison Morrow here:
Find the shortened arrest video here:

Election Day Laws:
Leighton Twp Resolution:
Allegan County Election Day “Trespass” Case;
• Files:
• Posts:
• Videos:

Watch this video at

By |2023-02-05T14:21:18-05:00February 5, 2023|Categories: Allegan Trespass Case, Interviews|0 Comments

Video~ Allegan County – Shortened Illegal arrest of Constitutional Attorney Katherine Henry on Election Day


Illegal arrest of Constitutional Attorney Katherine Henry on Election Day, November 3, 2020.

On Election Day, 11/03/20, Allegan County Sheriff deputies threatened to arrest of circulators that were collecting signatures at Leighton Township Hall-Library for the Restore Freedom Initiative constitutional amendment petition. Katherine spoke with deputy Langlois on the phone and after realizing there were still misunderstandings she offered to come discuss the law with him at the township hall, at which he agreed.

As the lead attorney for RFI, Katherine arrived at the Leighton Township hall-library to find deputy Langlois had left to answer another call. She waited there with the circulators for him to return. Upon returning, he had no interest in discussing the law, instead he was insistent that they leave the property immediately. This is that interaction and the arrest.

Election Day Laws:
Leighton Twp Resolution:
Allegan County Election Day “Trespass” Case;
• Files:
• Posts:
• Videos:

By |2023-02-21T14:04:16-05:00January 2, 2023|Categories: Allegan Trespass Case, Event|0 Comments

Video~ Interview: Katherine discussing her Allegan County ‘Trespass’ case with Alison Morrow 072022

Alison quit TV news and went out on her own. She recently interviewed Katherine about her Allegan County Election Day “Trespass” case. To find out more about Katherine’s case, check out

To find more about Alison, check out:
Locals @
Rumble @

Watch this video at

By |2023-02-05T14:39:21-05:00July 20, 2022|Categories: Allegan Trespass Case, Interviews, Local Government|0 Comments

Allegan County Election Day 2020 Case Filings

Katherine’s Allegan County Election Day 2020 Case has spanned from 11/3/20 to the present, for a total of more than 19 months as of today!  The trial is currently scheduled for Motion Hearings & a Settlement Conference on 7/7/22 with the Jury Trial on 7/13/22… But, this is the 8th trial date the court has given, so it is unsure whether it will be moved yet again.

Katherine initially filed a Motion to Dismiss, which was heard by the court on 2/4/21.  When the court denied her Motion, and violated several other rights she has, Katherine filed 2 Interlocutory Appeals in the Circuit Court in the Spring of 2021.  When the Circuit Court denied those appeals, Katherine filed them in the MI Court of Appeals, which chose not to take on those appeals at that time.  With the June 15, 2022 Trial Date approaching, Katherine filed several Motions in the trial court in May 2022 in order to secure her rights.  Those were set to be heard by the trial judge on 6/2/22, but the Judge moved the hearing on those motions to 7/7/22.  

The legal arguments in Katherine’s documents from this case can be used by others in their own fights for freedom, or even just to educate themselves or others on general Constitutional topics.
  1. Many of the documents filed in 2021 can be found here
  2. The documents Katherine filed in the trial court in May 2022 can be seen here
  3. The documents Katherine filed for an Interlocutory Appeal in the Circuit Court can be seen here
By |2022-09-07T10:51:23-04:00June 15, 2022|Categories: Allegan Trespass Case, Constitution, Laws|0 Comments

Allegan County Trespass Case Update – Links to Briefs, Answers, Response and Order

This link will take you to a PDF linking to all of Katherine’s motions and briefs to dismiss her Allegan County Trespass Case.  Feel free to comment with any questions or need for explanation that either we can reply to or Katherine could do a video on, should there be a need.

[Posted by Lori DeVries]

By |2022-06-02T12:25:00-04:00June 2, 2022|Categories: Allegan Trespass Case|0 Comments

Adjourned AGAIN??? – an Update on Katherine’s Allegan County Trespass Case


The courts have adjourned the dates AGAIN … Katherine’s Motion to Dismiss and Settlement hearing will be on July 7, 2022 at 10 am and her Jury Trial has been rescheduled for July 13, 2022 at 9am.

#WheresTheJustice #SpeedyTrial #DueProcess #Truth #UnjustCourt #RestoreFreedom #MoreFreedomLessGovernment

[Posted by Lori DeVries]

By |2022-06-01T18:15:00-04:00June 1, 2022|Categories: Allegan Trespass Case|0 Comments

Freedom Fighting Tools & Allegan Case Update – Week 21

As mentioned in our post regarding the Constitution Segment Recap, here is the PDF of all of the Motions & Briefs Katherine submitted Thursday, May 26th, to Allegan County 57th District Court:
We would like to STRONGLY encourage you to take a few minutes to read the 1st link – “Notice of Hearing, Motion for Immediate Consideration, Proof of Service”. It gives the highlights of all the things that have been happening and what we are asking the court to do now. For more information on this case, and for more resources to fight your own situation, please continue reading the other documents submitted. We are also asking for prayers that the judge finally does the right thing in this case and dismisses both charges WITH prejudice (meaning charges cannot be resubmitted).

Thank you Us Against Media – Update on Katherine’s Allegan County Case

Thank you Us Against Media for your interview with Katherine and sharing her story.

For those asking how to financially support Katherine you can do so here:

Note the new mailing address is:

PO Box 333

Ormond Beach, FL 32715

#RestoreFreedom #ConstitutionMatters #MoreFreedomLessGovernment #1stAmendment #OathOfOffice 

[Posted by Lori DeVries]

By |2022-09-07T10:55:01-04:00July 22, 2021|Categories: Allegan Trespass Case|0 Comments

Update on Katherine’s Allegan County Case


Have you subscribed to our Rumble channel?  

Are you concerned about our 1st Amendment rights?

Check out Katherine’s update on her Allegan County Case here:






[Posted by Lori DeVries]

By |2022-08-22T10:55:59-04:00July 16, 2021|Categories: Allegan Trespass Case|0 Comments

Support Katherine at her Election Day trial in Allegan 07/21/21 at 9 am


(Clicking the photo will bring you to the Facebook event)

Join us to support Katherine at her trial at the Allegan County District Courthouse, 113 Chestnut St, Allegan, M 49010

Depending on the turnout, be prepared to remain outside to show support.

You can show support by wearing Restore Freedom gear, purple and/or teal.  Bring signs.

Katherine’s jury trial starts at 9 am.

Not sure what her case is about?  

Watch the video here:

To help support financially, please go to:

All documents about  the case can be found here:







Facebook event:

[Posted by Lori DeVries]

By |2022-09-07T10:55:02-04:00July 14, 2021|Categories: Allegan Trespass Case, Call to Action|0 Comments

📣 📣Call to Action! 📣 📣 Watch and pray at 11am for Katherine’s hearing today!

 📣 📣Call to Action! 📣 📣

Watch and pray at 11am for Katherine’s hearing today!
Watch it live because the court deletes it as soon as the hearing is over. This hearing is on her Motion to Compel since the prosecutor has not provided her any discovery or any other information on the charge against her – which violates statutes, court rules, and the Constitution.
and the link to the documents for the hearing is

#RestoreFreedom #ArrestedThenElected #ConstitutionMatters

[Posted by Lori DeVries]
By |2022-09-23T11:16:25-04:00April 8, 2021|Categories: Allegan Trespass Case, Call to Action, Videos|0 Comments

Motion, Brief and Exhibits for the Defense of my Ridiculous Trespass Charge

Legal documents filed in my Election Day arrest case compelling the court to Dismiss the charges.

These documents not only have legal information related to my case, but are jampacked with legal information to help you learn your rights on government property, in situations with law enforcement, and in exercising your 1st Amendment Rights . . . and so much more!

Print it, read it, share it!    #RestoreFreedom #MoreFreedomLessGovernment #ConstitutionMatters #ArrestedThenElected #OathOfOffice

Click here for the documents:   Brief & Motion to Dismiss     Exhibits filed in Court



By |2022-08-22T10:37:20-04:00January 23, 2021|Categories: Allegan Trespass Case, Court Documents|4 Comments
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