Restore Freedom with Katherine Henry

About Lori DeVries

Lori DeVries is the volunteer Administrative Assistant for Restore Freedom with Katherine Henry, PC. In this capacity she answers the phone, posts on social media, helps with video streams, assists in managing Katherine’s events and whatever else is needed. Lori joined this fight for freedom on behalf of God’s children, especially the little ones that aren’t able to stand for themselves. “I’m doing it for the children; THEY are the future!” As a single mom, she spent a majority of her adult life trying to make ends meet and raise her son with good morals and values. Her experience in raising her son alone and her other struggles in life has prepared her for a time such as this. Historically, Lori’s work experience consists of customer service, medical insurance billing, medical and legal transcription, banking call center and the food service industry. Experience with chaos, manipulation and drama in the workplace, and in life, has helped Lori learn ways to handle the gas-lighting and pressures from man. And as her son grew up and left home, Lori felt God calling her closer to Him. So, now, as she navigates this fight for freedom, she strives to reflect Him in her actions and words. Her favorite Bible verse is Psalm 119:105 KJV “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.”

Liberty Lawyer takes YOUR legal questions LIVE! S4E2

In today’s LIVE call-in show, we took your questions from Michigan, Florida and beyond on topics like 2nd Amendment, Supremacy Clause, and today’s Congressional Special Election! Join us next time to have YOUR Constitutional questions answered!

Donate to Restore Freedom at or shop RF gear at!

By |2025-01-28T15:02:13-05:00January 28, 2025|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

Liberty Lawyer takes YOUR legal questions LIVE! S4E1

In today’s LIVE call-in show, we took your calls from Washington, Florida and beyond on topics like freedom to travel, jurisdictional challenges, and 4th amendment! Join us next time to have YOUR Constitutional questions answered! Donate to Restore Freedom at or shop RF gear at!

By |2025-01-14T22:17:19-05:00January 14, 2025|Categories: Podcast, Restore Freedom Weekly|0 Comments

What do your medical consent forms actually say? S3E37

Yes, I’ve recently been diagnosed with breast cancer. And there’s a lot of medical consent forms I’ve been asked to sign. As usual, they just flip to the signature page and highlight where you’re supposed to sign and don’t expect you to read it first. But…I’m also an attorney…and a damn good one. So, I read the documents. And you will be surprised at what they sneak in there! Check out this video to be more informed before the next time you or your loved ones are asked to sign medical consent forms!

By |2024-08-28T12:45:28-04:00August 28, 2024|Categories: Uncategorized|1 Comment

Liberty Lawyer takes YOUR legal questions LIVE! S3E34

Our LIVE Call-In Show this week was intriguing! We had callers from Washington, Utah and Florida. We discussed topics like appeals, Chevron Deference, & right to trial by jury! Join the discussion at during our next LIVE Call-In Show TUESDAY 7/23/24 at 7PM EST! Donate to Restore Freedom at or shop RF gear at!

By |2024-07-09T17:25:06-04:00July 9, 2024|Categories: Podcast, RFW Livestream|0 Comments

Liberty Lawyer takes YOUR legal questions LIVE! S3E33

Our LIVE Call-In Show this week got quite heated! We had callers from South Carolina, Florida and Michigan. We discussed topics like corruption, collusion, venue, judicial immunity, conspiracy & legislative process! Join the discussion at during our next LIVE Call-In Show TUESDAY 7/9/24 at 12PM EST! Donate to Restore Freedom at or shop RF gear at!

By |2024-07-09T17:22:47-04:00June 18, 2024|Categories: Restore Freedom Weekly|0 Comments

6/4/24 LIVE Call-In Show!

Our LIVE Call-In Show this week was great! We had callers from Illinois, Massachusetts, and Tennessee. We discussed topics like red flag laws, FOIA requests, due process, & pro bono help for Pro Se litigants! Check out that show at Join the discussion at during our next LIVE Call-In Show TUESDAY 6/18/24 at 7PM EST! Donate to Restore Freedom at or shop RF gear at!

By |2024-06-04T15:07:18-04:00June 4, 2024|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

Liberty Lawyer takes YOUR legal questions LIVE! S3E31

Our LIVE Call-In Show this week was educational! We had questions from viewers in Texas, Missouri, Michigan and Florida. We discussed topics like arrest, appeals, access to courts, first amendment auditing, and private property! Join the discussion at during our next LIVE Call-In Show TUESDAY 5/28/24 at 7PM EST! Donate to Restore Freedom at or shop RF gear at!

By |2024-05-14T14:18:49-04:00May 14, 2024|Categories: Podcast, Restore Freedom Weekly|1 Comment

Henrys v OB Writ of Certiorari FILED – Freedom Fighting Tool

As the Henrys’ case against Ormond Beach continues, we share the most recent filings submitted by the Henrys’ as this week’s #FreedomFightingTool.  You can find it here: To see all OB Case filings go to  It was also the topic of discussion in S3E29 Restore Freedom live call-in show.  Be sure to check it out on our YouTube Channel 

By |2024-04-11T22:51:39-04:00April 12, 2024|Categories: Freedom Fighting Tools|0 Comments

Help Encourage IJ to get involved – Get Involved Challenge

Given the appellate Court case update given yesterday, this week’s #GetInvolvedChallenge is to help encourage The Institute for Justice to get involved in the Henrys’ Ormond Beach case. Go to and share the link

By |2024-04-10T09:57:29-04:00April 10, 2024|Categories: Get Involved|1 Comment

Liberty Lawyer takes YOUR legal questions LIVE! S3E27

Our LIVE Call-In Show on 2/27 was great! We had callers from New Mexico, Florida, New Hampshire, and Michigan. We discussed topics like repealing statutes, remedies when family court orders are violated, “trespassing” on public property, common law, code enforcement’s use of Google maps, and unlawful arrests! YOU can join the discussion during our next LIVE show TODAY at 12PM EST on, Facebook and Rumble!

By |2024-03-13T07:24:39-04:00March 12, 2024|Categories: Podcast, Restore Freedom Weekly|0 Comments

Liberty Lawyer takes YOUR legal questions LIVE!

Our LIVE Call-In Show on 2/27 was great! We had callers from New Mexico, Florida, New Hampshire, and Michigan. We discussed topics like repealing statutes, remedies when family court orders are violated, “trespassing” on public property, common law, code enforcement’s use of Google maps, and unlawful arrests! YOU can join the discussion during our next LIVE show on, and Rumble!

By |2024-03-12T15:43:12-04:00February 27, 2024|Categories: Podcast, Restore Freedom Weekly|0 Comments

Magnetic More Freedom; Less Government – RF Goodie

It’s easier to move from your car to garage door than a sticker.  Pick up your 3″ x 24″ Restore Freedom car magnet for only $16.99 (incl. shipping) today!


By |2024-02-05T16:24:38-05:00February 4, 2024|Categories: Restore Freedom Goodies|0 Comments

Attend the BEST Robert’s Rules of Order and General Parliamentary Procedures class

Attend the BEST Robert’s Rules of Order and General Parliamentary Procedures class this February 3, 2024. Learn from Julie Pioch, a Professional Registered Parliamentarian credentialed by the National Association of Parliamentarians and former president of the Michigan State Association of Parliamentarians.

Get prepared for the upcoming Conventions which use Robert’s Rules of Order. Discover General Parliamentary Procedures which are growing in popularity all over the country.

It will be a fun time and an opportunity to develop friendships with Precinct Delegates and fellow Republicans.

For additional details on this sponsored event and to register for the class, visit the Kent County GOP website.

In Freedom.

John Schaut

Kent County Republican Committee Chair

By |2024-01-25T11:00:10-05:00January 25, 2024|Categories: Call to Action|0 Comments
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