About Lori DeVries
Lori DeVries is the volunteer Administrative Assistant for Restore Freedom with Katherine Henry, PC. In this capacity she answers the phone, posts on social media, helps with video streams, assists in managing Katherine’s events and whatever else is needed.
Lori joined this fight for freedom on behalf of God’s children, especially the little ones that aren’t able to stand for themselves. “I’m doing it for the children; THEY are the future!” As a single mom, she spent a majority of her adult life trying to make ends meet and raise her son with good morals and values. Her experience in raising her son alone and her other struggles in life has prepared her for a time such as this. Historically, Lori’s work experience consists of customer service, medical insurance billing, medical and legal transcription, banking call center and the food service industry. Experience with chaos, manipulation and drama in the workplace, and in life, has helped Lori learn ways to handle the gas-lighting and pressures from man. And as her son grew up and left home, Lori felt God calling her closer to Him. So, now, as she navigates this fight for freedom, she strives to reflect Him in her actions and words.
Her favorite Bible verse is Psalm 119:105 KJV “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.”