Restore Freedom with Katherine Henry

Restoring Freedom and making a difference

Restore Freedom and Katherine Henry have an exciting announcement! The Restore Freedom podcast was honored with being #4 on the Top 10 Michigan Law Podcasts worth listening to in 2024 by FeedSpot! Thank you to all our supporters for helping to Restore Freedom ❤️

Support the IRON PIG & Stand for Freedom!

The freedom fight continues for the Iron Pig restaurant, with the case now in the Michigan Supreme Court! They stayed open despite unconstitutional Executive Orders trying to force them to close in 2020. Show your support by sharing this image on social media & tagging the #MSC Michigan Supreme Court! Let them know we’re still watching!

Ways to Get Involved shared every Wednesday!

For info on the ways we give you every week to get involved in the fight to Restore our Freedom, check out this 1 minute video!  Together, we can #RestoreFreedom !!!

By |2022-11-22T08:40:04-05:00November 22, 2022|Categories: Get Involved, Videos|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Team up with friends – Get Involved Challenge 46!

With #Freedom, comes #Responsibility . It’s time we each did our part to take back our government! So, this week’s #GetInvolvedChallenge is to team up with friends, neighbors, those in your church, etc., to keep an eye on what’s happening at the local and state levels.

By |2022-11-16T11:30:21-05:00November 16, 2022|Categories: Get Involved|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

Most Election & Ballot Proposal Results Are Final Across The US – Now What? S1E46

Didn’t catch our RFW episode? We discussed: Many of us are disgusted with the ‘results.’ With most election results declared final across the US, is there anything the average person can even do? Is there anything we MUST do? Discussing: State Supreme Court justices, Bad ballot proposals passing, Good ballot proposals failing, Election irregularities, Bad candidates winning, Good candidates winning; and where we go from here.

You can watch it at or listen at

Support our mission – Restore Freedom Goodie S1E45

Are you interested in supporting our mission to Restore Freedom?  You can sponsor any one of our various freedom-fighting endeavors for one month, or on a regular basis, simply by visiting
By |2022-11-13T11:35:29-05:00November 13, 2022|Categories: Restore Freedom Goodies|Tags: , , |0 Comments

FL & MI Election Results – Quick Constitutional Analysis – Constitution Segment Recap S1E45

Didn’t catch our Constitution Segment Recap for FL & MI Election Results – Quick Constitutional Analysis? You can watch it at or listen at

Election Day S1E45

Didn’t catch our RFW episode? This short video explains that there will be no full episode this week, as we make ourselves available to answer election day questions, as well as preparing for the next hurricane to hit Volusia County Florida.  You can watch it at or listen at

Drive in style – Restore Freedom Goodie S1E44

Put Freedom on the back of your vehicle. You can buy this week’s RF Goodie at Didn’t catch Rachel’s video for the RF Goodie of the week? Watch it at

By |2022-11-05T12:27:21-04:00November 5, 2022|Categories: Restore Freedom Goodies|Tags: , |0 Comments

Make Freedom a priority on your vehicle – Restore Freedom Goodie S1E41

Drive around with Restore Freedom on your window! You can buy this week’s RF Goodie at Didn’t catch Rachel’s video for the RF Goodie of the week? Watch it at

By |2022-10-18T21:38:22-04:00October 15, 2022|Categories: Restore Freedom Goodies|Tags: , |0 Comments

‘Reproductive Freedom’ November Ballot Proposal – Constitution Segment Recap S1E40

Didn’t catch our Constitution Segment Recap for A LIVE Q&A on the ‘Reproductive Freedom’ November Ballot Proposal – S1E40? You can watch it at or listen at Legal citations for this week’s legal/constitution segments:

By |2023-02-05T14:45:06-05:00October 6, 2022|Categories: Constitution Segment Recap|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

‘Reproductive Freedom’ Petition-What does it really say? Does it violate US Constitution? S1E39

Didn’t catch our RFW episode? We discussed: Reproductive Freedom for All petition to amend the MI Constitution. •What does it say? •What does it mean for women? •For children? Men? Families? •How does it fit in the rest of the MI Constitution? •If it’s adopted into the MI Constitution, would it be enforceable? •Does it conflict with the US Constitution? •Get the FACTS before voting in Nov

You can watch it at or listen at

“Conservative” state reps INCREASE hunting rules & violate the Constitution! S1E38

Didn’t catch our RFW episode? We discussed: “Conservative” legislators tout bill as eliminating penalties for DNR violations, yet it has criminal & civil penalties, allows MORE reporting rules, requires inconsistent & impractical reporting methods, & codifies DNR orders as LAWS! Explaining the bill, the current law, & legislator Constitutional DUTIES.

You can watch it at or listen at

Don’t drive around un-accessorized! – Restore Freedom Goodie S1E37

Get your 5 x 5 Restore Freedom window decal! You can buy this week’s RF Goodie at Didn’t catch Rachel’s video for the RF Goodie of the week? Watch it at

Freedom Fighting Tools for Unconstitutional Orders!

Remember, we are not bound by unconstitutional orders! Though not fully vetted, these will hopefully make the Constitution more accessible & understandable. Audio Constitution; Constitutions today; SCOTUS Opinions

Required to follow Unconstitutional Court Orders? Constitution Segment Recap S1E37

Didn’t catch our Constitution Segment Recap for “Required to follow Unconstitutional Court Orders?” You can watch it at or listen at Legal citations for this week’s constitution segment:

Unconstitutional Orders – Way to Get Involved Challenge!

Unconstitutional court orders & government mandates abound these days. So we challenge you to reach out to someone standing their ground against an unconstitutional court order or government action. Reach out, offer tangible support & encourage! Together we can #RestoreFreedom!

Unconstitutional Orders – True or False #37!

Want to answer this weeks’ Tuesday TRUE or FALSE Question? You can answer it at, with no email or social media login required! Make sure to check back to at 10PM EST for the Answer!

Dear Governor Interview Clip

After a longer interview by Garret Soldano & Kevin Skinner, I was then asked if I could be face-to-face with Governor Gretchen Whitmer, what would I say?  This short clip shows you exactly what I would have said to her on June 2, 2020!

Fences to protect our land – Biblical Insight S1E36

Fences, like the one built by the property owner in Matthew 21:33, are a recognized way of protecting ones land, but they also help us heed the instruction in Proverbs 25:17, “Let your foot be seldom in your neighbor’s house, lest he have his fill of you and hate you.” So, don’t let your municipality get away with imposing unlawful or unconstitutional fence ordinances!

They can just search the words – Restore Freedom Goodie S1E36

Are you telling people about Restore Freedom?  It can be as simple as putting a window decal on your car.  This 3″ x 11″ window decal is easy to see while driving down the road or parked in a parking lot.   The QR code will lead them to our website or with their curiosity they will search “Restore Freedom!” Get your Restore Freedom Goodie Wk 36 today! 

What’s lawful re fence and ground cover ordinances & HOA rules? – Constitution Segment Recap S1E36

Have you wondered what is lawful when it comes to fence & ground cover ordinances & HOA rules. This Constitution Segment Recap slideshow covers the provisions and statutes, check it out here:

Checking Ordinances for Unconstitutionality – Way to Get Involved Challenge 36

We shared how an unconstitutional ordinance allowed a man to be kicked out of WI village Turtle Lake, and how the Village Board chose to not only repeal this ordinance, but also reevaluate ALL ordinances to check for constitutionality. We now challenge you to THANK the Turtle Lake village board, AND urge your own city or town board to do the same check!
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