Restore Freedom with Katherine Henry

Supreme Court Announces April Oral Arguments

Michigan Supreme Court (MSC) will hear oral arguments in 11 cases on Tuesday 4/16 and Wednesday 4/17 at 9:30 a.m. in the 6th floor courtroom at 925 W. Ottawa, Lansing. Oral arguments will be livestreamed from the MSC website. The notice of cases is posted on the oral arguments webpage. Follow the Court on Twitter to receive regular updates as cases are heard.

By |2024-04-08T07:48:48-04:00April 8, 2024|Categories: Legal Updates|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

Supreme Court to Hold Public Administrative Hearing in March

Michigan Supreme Court will hold a public administrative hearing on Wednesday Mar 20th at 9:30 AM in Lansing. The hearing will be livestreamed. Anyone interested in speaking on an agenda item may do so in person or remotely via Zoom. There a new Public Hearing Speaker Request Form. Find the form, hearing agenda, etc at

By |2024-03-10T11:55:06-04:00March 10, 2024|Categories: Call to Action, Info|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Expanded Child Welfare and Juvenile Justice Services Webpage

The new Child Welfare and Juvenile Justice Services (CWJJS) division has updated its webpage to incorporate juvenile justice resources.

By |2024-03-10T11:14:57-04:00March 10, 2024|Categories: Legal Updates|Tags: , , |0 Comments

State Supreme Court Justices – Constitution Segment Recap S1E41

Didn’t catch our Constitution Segment Recap for State Supreme Court Justices – Who (& What) is on your ballot this Election! S1E41? You can watch it at or listen at Legal citations for this week’s legal/constitution segments:

Government Transparency: Important? Required by the Constitution? S1E25

Didn’t catch our RFW episode? We discussed: Government Transparency – why it’s important and what the Constitution says about it. Recent tragedies, rampant lawlessness, abuse of powers – We The People MUST combat it all! Body-Dash Cams – 22yr old man pulled over by Allegan County deputy was shot and died. 

You can watch it at or listen at

Righteous Leaders – Biblical Insight S1E24

Didn’t catch our Biblical Insight for “Do you have a Right to run for office? What the Constitution says about Ballot Access”? The people will do well when there are good leaders in place.

Bible passage mentioned in this segment: Proverbs 29:2

You can watch it at

Knowing the Candidates & Voting Dates – Freedom Fighting Tools S1E24

Didn’t catch our Freedom Fighting Tools for “Do you have a Right to run for office? What the Constitution says about Ballot Access”? We talked about: It’s crucial to know who is going to be representing you in government. Week 24’s freedom fighting tools will give you access to who’s running for what districts.

• 2022 Michigan Primary Candidate Listing –
• 2022 Michigan Election Dates –
• 2022 Florida Election Dates & Info –
• MI: View ballot by county, jurisdiction and precinct (not working properly) – /

You can watch it at

Do You Have a Right to Run for Office – Constitution Segment Recap S1E24

Didn’t catch our Constitution Segment Recap for “Do you have a Right to run for office? What the Constitution says about Ballot Access”? You can watch it at or listen at Legal citations for this week’s constitution segment:

Your Next Election: When, Who, What? – Get Involved Challenge S1E24

Didn’t catch our Get Involved Challenge for “Do you have a Right to run for office? What the Constitution says about Ballot Access”? We talked about: Find out when the next elections are in your state & city (likely primary elections), then find out which candidates & issues are on your next ballot. Identify which issues & candidates you support, and which you don’t. Do your homework – don’t guess or just take someone else’s word for it.

• Links mentioned in the video: ; ;

You can watch it at

Do you have a Right to run for office? What the Constitution says about Ballot Access S1E24

Didn’t catch our RFW episode? We discussed:Ballot Access, Running for Office a Discussion with Jon Rocha. Examples from the Allegan County Trespass Case. Do you have a Right to run for office? What the Constitution says about Ballot Access. Robust discussion with State Rep Candidate Jon Rocha on: his situation, his lawsuit to put his name back on the August ballot, the decision by the MSC last Tuesday, and what he is doing now.

 You can watch it at or listen at

Abortion, the Constitution, and Whitmer’s Complaint – Freedom Fighting Tools S1E15

Didn’t catch our Freedom Fighting Tools for “Abortion and the Constitution”?  Friday’s Freedom Fighting Tools for this week:

Whitmer’s Complaint for Declaratory & Injunctive Relief 040722 –
Oakland County Circuit Court Case Search –
Oakland County Circuit Court eFiling information –

You can watch it at

Abortion and the Constitution S1E15

Didn’t catch our RFW episode? We discussed: The opinions of the newest United States Supreme Court justice, the Michigan governor’s newest lawsuit regarding individual rights, and what the Constitution says about it all.

You can watch it at or listen at

EOs and the Michigan Supreme Court – Biblical Insight S1E14

Didn’t catch our Biblical Insight for “EOs & MI Sup Court: What law was actually struck down & why? What’s happening now?” Biblical Insight on EOs and the Michigan Supreme Court. Check out Romans 2:13; Romans 13:1 and 13:5; Romans 13:7; Isaiah 1:17; and Ezekiel 11:1, 2 and 4

You can watch it at

EOs & MI Sup Court: What law was actually struck down & why? What’s happening now? S1E14

EOs & the MI Supreme Court: What law was actually struck down and why?  What’s happening now?  What has actually been decided? 1945 EPGA, 1976 EMA, 1976 Public Health Code…Separation of Powers violation?  Individual liberties violation?  Other Constitutional violations? Didn’t catch our RFW episode? We discussed:

You can watch it at or listen at

Court Resources – Freedom Fighting Tools S1E14

Didn’t catch our Freedom Fighting Tools for “EOs & MI Sup Court: What law was actually struck down & why? What’s happening now?” We talked about: EOs & the MI Supreme Court: What law was actually struck down and why?  What’s happening now?  What has actually been decided? 1945 EPGA, 1976 EMA, 1976 Public Health Code…Separation of Powers violation?  Individual liberties violation?  Other Constitutional violations? 

You can watch it at

Contact MDHHS – Get Involved Challenge S1E14

Didn’t catch our Get Involved Challenge for “EOs & MI Sup Court: What law was actually struck down & why? What’s happening now?” We talked about: This week we challenge you to contact the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (by email, phone, social media, in person, etc.) and tell them the issue of using EOs to regulate the people in Michigan has already been decided. Just as the 1945 EPGA was unconstitutional, the 1976 Public Health Code (at least MCL 333.2253 and 333.2453) is unconstitutional. A circuit court judge already told them this, and they need to stop wasting our tax dollars to fight this issue in front of the Michigan Court of Appeals. 

You can watch it at

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