Restore Freedom with Katherine Henry

Election results are in – now what? Freedom Fighting Tools

Election results are (mostly) final, but we MUST remain active to take back our government! Want to team up with friends, neighbors, etc to monitor local & state government action? Use this FREE shared calendar, with easy file sharing, and announcements & signups

By |2022-12-05T11:51:33-05:00November 18, 2022|Categories: Freedom Fighting Tools|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

Election & Ballot Proposal Results Are Final – Now What? Constitution Segment Recap S1E46

Didn’t catch our Constitution Segment Recap for “Most Election & Ballot Proposal Results Are Final Across The US – Now What?” You can watch it at or listen at

Team up with friends – Get Involved Challenge 46!

With #Freedom, comes #Responsibility . It’s time we each did our part to take back our government! So, this week’s #GetInvolvedChallenge is to team up with friends, neighbors, those in your church, etc., to keep an eye on what’s happening at the local and state levels.

By |2022-11-16T11:30:21-05:00November 16, 2022|Categories: Get Involved|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

Most Election & Ballot Proposal Results Are Final Across The US – Now What? S1E46

Didn’t catch our RFW episode? We discussed: Many of us are disgusted with the ‘results.’ With most election results declared final across the US, is there anything the average person can even do? Is there anything we MUST do? Discussing: State Supreme Court justices, Bad ballot proposals passing, Good ballot proposals failing, Election irregularities, Bad candidates winning, Good candidates winning; and where we go from here.

You can watch it at or listen at

Physicians for Informed Consent Challenges the Basis for “Shot” Mandates

Press Release
Physicians for Informed Consent Challenges the Basis for COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates

According to Physicians for Informed Consent, new data raise serious concerns over the risks of hospitalization in people vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine.

NEWPORT BEACH, Calif., November 11, 2022 (Newswire) –

Physicians for Informed Consent (PIC) has released an update to its educational document “COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates: 21 Scientific Facts That Challenge the Assumptions.” Developed from data compiled by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, U.S. Food and Drug Administration, National Library of Medicine, and other established sources, the PIC document covers issues of critical importance to both the medical community and the public. Reflecting key scientific research, the document refutes the basis for COVID-19 vaccine mandates. For example, according to Physicians for Informed Consent, studies (referenced here) show:

  • COVID-19 vaccines may increase the risk of hospitalizations in vaccinated people.
    A study published in Vaccine found that the number of serious adverse events in people vaccinated with the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine is higher than the number of COVID-19 hospitalizations prevented. For every two COVID-19 hospitalizations prevented in vaccinated people, there are 10 COVID-19 vaccine serious adverse events.
  •  COVID-19 vaccines increase the risk of myocarditis in young men.
    A study published in Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety shows that in males aged 18 to 24 years, the risk of myocarditis is 1 in 1,862 after the second dose of a COVID-19 mRNA vaccine.
  • COVID-19 vaccines increase the risk of cardiac-related deaths in men.
    A study by the Florida Department of Health found there is a 97% increased risk of cardiac-related deaths in males aged 18–39 within 28 days of being vaccinated with a COVID-19 vaccine.
  • COVID-19 vaccines increase the length of menstrual cycles in women.
    A study published in BMJ found that in women, vaccination with two doses within the same menstrual cycle leads to a 3.7-day increase in that cycle’s length. The consequences of this phenomenon are not known.

It can take months or even years for new data to reach the general medical community. As such, some healthcare providers may be unaware of COVID-19 vaccine facts and figures. In providing this document, PIC highlights important statistics to help medical professionals and their patients more easily assess the risks of the vaccine compared to the risks of COVID-19. In addition, as a nonprofit organization with headquarters in California — where AB 2098, a doctor-censorship bill, was recently signed into law — PIC asserts that it is now more important than ever for the general public to be able to access science-based COVID-19 analyses.

“AB 2098 is immoral and anti-science,” said Dr. Shira Miller, founder and president of Physicians for Informed Consent. “PIC as an organization will continue speaking out and educating the public about COVID-19, COVID-19 vaccines, and the need to have doctors whose professional opinion hasn’t been censored — because without free speech informed consent is not possible.”

To read all 21 scientific facts in PIC’s newly released document, visit

To make a contribution to Physicians for Informed Consent, visit:

CLICK HERE to view the press release on Newswire.

About Physicians for Informed Consent

Physicians for Informed Consent is a 501(c)(3) educational nonprofit organization focused on science and statistics. PIC delivers data on infectious diseases and vaccines, and unites doctors, scientists, healthcare professionals, attorneys, and families who support voluntary vaccination. In addition, the PIC Coalition for Informed Consent consists of over 300 U.S. and international organizations. To learn more or to become a member, please visit

FL & MI Election Results – Quick Constitutional Analysis – Constitution Segment Recap S1E45

Didn’t catch our Constitution Segment Recap for FL & MI Election Results – Quick Constitutional Analysis? You can watch it at or listen at

Eyes on the Elections – Get Involved Challenge S1E45

Did you ask your poll worker to see a printout of the precinct results or make a copy for you?  Be sure to submit them to

By |2023-02-21T13:46:26-05:00November 9, 2022|Categories: Get Involved|Tags: , , , , |2 Comments

Election Day S1E45

Didn’t catch our RFW episode? This short video explains that there will be no full episode this week, as we make ourselves available to answer election day questions, as well as preparing for the next hurricane to hit Volusia County Florida.  You can watch it at or listen at

New Court Order Protects Election Challengers & Poll Watchers S1E43

Didn’t catch our RFW episode? We discussed: Election Challengers & Poll Watchers are essential to Fair & Honest elections.  How the SOS tried to shut down election challengers & poll watchers through new forms, no election day appointments, prohibiting recording devices & communication with election inspectors, & refusing to record all challenges made, AND the recent court order stopping this craziness!. You can watch it at or listen at

Election Questions Answered at Community Events

Ottawa County Clerk/Register, Justin Roebuck, and Elections Coordinator, Katie Sims, will be in Grand Haven at Loutit District Library on October 25 from 6-8PM to discuss elections in Ottawa County. Register here. The event will be streamed; search Ottawa County Clerk Register of Deeds on YouTube.

Justin and Katie will discuss topics like absentee ballots, logic and accuracy tests and post-election audits. They will then take questions from the audience. Questions can be submitted ahead of time to, at the event or online during the livestream.

Keep up to date and receive election information by email or text Ottawa Votes to GOV-311 (468-311) to receive text messages.

By |2022-10-12T09:38:10-04:00October 12, 2022|Categories: Call to Action, Info|Tags: , , |0 Comments

City Officials Significantly Deviate from Election Law Requirement

Under Michigan law, cities must hire an equal number of Republican & Democrat poll workers. But Kalamazoo hired 132 Democrat vs 60 Republican election inspectors; Flint hired 442 Democrats v 27 Republicans. RNC weighing all legal options:
By |2022-09-19T15:14:03-04:00September 19, 2022|Categories: Legal Updates|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Update on Michigan Attorney General Race

Michigan AG Dana Nessel won’t debate challenger Matthew DePerno before election
By |2022-09-25T13:21:08-04:00September 18, 2022|Categories: Legal Updates|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

Required to follow Unconstitutional Court Orders? Constitution Segment Recap S1E37

Didn’t catch our Constitution Segment Recap for “Required to follow Unconstitutional Court Orders?” You can watch it at or listen at Legal citations for this week’s constitution segment:

What’s lawful re fence and ground cover ordinances & HOA rules? – Constitution Segment Recap S1E36

Have you wondered what is lawful when it comes to fence & ground cover ordinances & HOA rules. This Constitution Segment Recap slideshow covers the provisions and statutes, check it out here:

Acknowledging Public Officials doing it right – Biblical Insight Wk 35

1 Thessalonians 5:12–13 tells us to “acknowledge those who work hard among you, who care for you in the Lord and who admonish you. Hold them in the highest regard in love because of their work.” So, we thank Prosecutor Kyle Butler for promptly sharing the MSP updates last week, but we also commend this WI community for proactively working to evaluate ALL of their ordinances for constitutionality! youtu.belpL9yN4as5RE

More on Prosecutor duties – Constitution Segment Recap S1E35

This week we answered the question “is a prosecutor REQUIRED to inform each defendant of potential credibility issues with any testing results relevant to the offense(s) charged?”  Here you can find the Constitution Segment Recap slideshow:

Update from MSP on MJ Crime Lab Testing

This is the update from the Michigan State Police Forensic Science Division regarding positive test results for THC when only CBD is present.  You’ll want to read both pages of the PDF:

Don’t miss the Ex Parte Motion Hearing tomorrow morning at 11AM!

This 11AM Hearing is on my Motion to overturn the gag orders & allow me to publicly share videos of the hearings in my Allegan case. The court has banned in person attendance, only allowing live streaming, which can be seen at  (judge deletes it as soon as the hearing is over). Motion & Proposed Order I filed: Video of incident leading to my arrest

Watch and Take Notes – Wk 32 Way to Get Involved Challenge!

For this week’s Way to Get Involved Challenge, find out if your county court is holding in-person hearings open to the public, online only hearings, or both.  If in person, find a hearing date and time to attend this week.  If the hearings are online, identify at least one hearing to watch live and watch the whole thing.  Take note of any questions you have about the hearing or the court process in general.  Feel free to ask those questions during our next Restore Freedom Weekly Episode (Tuesday at Noon EST).     If your county court doesn’t allow you to attend in person and doesn’t stream on YouTube, let us know.

#PublicAccess #Access #Court #Watch #TakeNotes #Hearing #Questions #LetUsKnow #Constitution #Trial  #MediaCoverage #Episode32 #RestoreFreedom #MoreFreedomLessGovernment #WWTGIC #WayToGetInvolved #WayToGetInvolvedChallenge #WTGIC #GetInvolved

EPA, CDC & *all* Administrative Agencies Unconstitutional?!? S1E27

As we are on the road from Florida to Michigan today for the Allegan County Election Day 2020 “trespass” case, we had several internet connection and other issues that had us starting later than normal for RFW and gave us poor connection quality. When we finally got to a stable internet connection, the laptop started malfunctioning. 🤦This week, we were going to discuss the 6/30/22 SCOTUS decision from re Administrative Agencies, and a great article from the Epoch Times discussing the topic.  However, after several failed attempts to “go live” with today’s episode of
Restore Freedom Weekly, I am encouraging you to read the Court’s own summary of the full opinion (“Syllabus” on pgs 1-6) as well as the article, both of which I shared as PDFs in the description of this week’s video attempts.

West VA v EPA:

Article & the newest SCOTUS case on point:

While the two videos are available on our YouTube channel’s RFW Episode playlist, we have summarized it in audio here:

What did SCOTUS actually decide? – Get Involved Challenge S1E26

Didn’t catch our Get Involved Challenge for “Overturned Roe v Wade & the Continued Fight”? We talked about:

This week, we’re challenging you to pick just one of the 3 recent court decisions and simply read the court’s summary of the decision (called the Syllabus, and usually about 6 pages). Which issue is most important to you? Right to life, 2A, or Religious Liberty?

The summary for each case can be found as follows:
• Right to Life decision can be found on pg 1-8 at;
• 2A decision can be found on pg 1-6 at;
• Religious Liberty decision can be found on pg 1-5 at

You can watch it at

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