Restore Freedom with Katherine Henry

Gag Orders & Public Access to Court: What’s Constitutional? S1E32

Didn’t catch our RFW episode? We discussed: Gag Orders, Public Access to Court Proceedings, Media Coverage – What the Constitution requires. Can a court prohibit access? What are your rights to access court hearings? Lessons from Allegan Trespass Case… Including the pending Motion Hearing!

Links discussed in this video are;
• Notice to Appear – Motion Hearing 09/01/22:
• Motion & Brief – Declaratory Relief Open Hearings:
• Ex Parte Mtn re Records Request, POS, Proposed Order:

You can watch it at or listen at

Ask at Least One LEO – Get Involved Challenge S1E28

Didn’t catch our Get Involved Challenge for “Allegan Election Day 11-3-20 “Trespass” Case FINALLY Dismissed!”? We talked about:

Ask at least 1 LEO this week these 3 questions:
•What conduct is presumptively protected by the First Amendment? (If he looks confused & is in MI, share MCL 750.543z with him, then ask again.)
•Are Resolutions the same as Ordinances, and can you enforce Resolutions upon the public? (For example, can you arrest someone for “violating” a Resolution?)
•Have you heard of the Constitutional Sheriffs & Peace Officers Association?

You can watch it at

Allegan Election Day 11-3-20 “Trespass” Case FINALLY Dismissed! S1E28

Didn’t catch our RFW episode? We discussed: what it took to get it dismissed; what resources are available for YOU in these case documents; what are the next steps for Katherine, the deputies, the prosecutors & judges involved.

• Resources from Allegan Case:
• Order of

You can watch it at or listen at

Jurisdiction in the Bible – Biblical Insight S1E22

“Then Pilate announced to the chief priests and the crowd, ‘I find no basis for a charge against this man.’ But they insisted, ‘He stirs up the people all over Judea by his teaching.'” Luke 23:4-5

This week we learned about jurisdiction, and discussed a great deal about Subject Matter Jurisdiction.  Where there is no basis for a charge against someone, the court lacks subject matter jurisdiction and the case must be dismissed.  Verses 6-7 here also shed some light on Personal and Territorial Jurisdiction.


By |2022-12-13T08:29:53-05:00June 5, 2022|Categories: Biblical Insight|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

A Request for Prayer – Get Involved Challenge S1E22

Didn’t catch our Get Involved Challenge for “Jurisdiction – does the court have the authority to hear your case?”  We talked about: This week we’re asking you to get involved by praying that God lays it on the judge’s heart to do the right thing in the Allegan County case. That He lay it on the judge’s heart as to how inadequate and how unjust this case is. We’re asking for prayers for him to dismiss this entire case, with prejudice, today, so that we can go forth in the rest of our fight for freedom.

To see the recent briefs submitted, paying particular attention to the first one, go to:

You can watch it at

By |2022-12-08T10:15:57-05:00June 1, 2022|Categories: Get Involved, Videos|Tags: , , , , , , , , |0 Comments

Jurisdiction – does the court have the authority to hear your case? S1E22

Didn’t catch our RFW episode? We discussed: Jurisdiction – does the court have the authority to hear your case? The court MUST have appropriate jurisdiction in order to make any decisions in a case. What are the types of jurisdiction? What is REQUIRED to happen if the court doesn’t have the appropriate jurisdiction?

• Katherine’s documents in the Allegan County Election Day Case provide more info on jurisdiction:
• A more in-depth legal analysis of subject matter jurisdiction can be found in the documents Katherine filed last year in the case: and

You can watch it at or listen at

Territorial, Personal, SMJ & Trespass – Constitution Segment Recap S1E22

Didn’t catch our Constitution Segment Recap for “Jurisdiction – does the court have the authority to hear your case? S1E22″ You can watch it at or listen at Legal citations for this week’s constitution segment:

• Katherine’s documents in the Allegan County Election Day Case provide more info on jurisdiction:
• A more in-depth legal analysis of subject matter jurisdiction can be found in the documents Katherine filed last year in the case: and

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