Illegal arrest of Constitutional Attorney Katherine Henry on Election Day, November 3, 2020.
On Election Day, 11/03/20, Allegan County Sheriff deputies threatened to arrest of circulators that were collecting signatures at Leighton Township Hall-Library for the Restore Freedom Initiative constitutional amendment petition. Katherine spoke with deputy Langlois on the phone and after realizing there were still misunderstandings she offered to come discuss the law with him at the township hall, at which he agreed.
As the lead attorney for RFI, Katherine arrived at the Leighton Township hall-library to find deputy Langlois had left to answer another call. She waited there with the circulators for him to return. Upon returning, he had no interest in discussing the law, instead he was insistent that they leave the property immediately. This is that interaction and the arrest.
Election Day Laws:
Leighton Twp Resolution:
Allegan County Election Day “Trespass” Case;
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