Restore Freedom with Katherine Henry

Checking Ordinances for Unconstitutionality – Way to Get Involved Challenge 36

We shared how an unconstitutional ordinance allowed a man to be kicked out of WI village Turtle Lake, and how the Village Board chose to not only repeal this ordinance, but also reevaluate ALL ordinances to check for constitutionality. We now challenge you to THANK the Turtle Lake village board, AND urge your own city or town board to do the same check!

True or False Tuesday Answer – Week 36!

T or F Tuesday Answer is FALSE! Local gov’ts may NOT enforce fence & ground covering ordinances (incl. permits w/ fees & inspections) UNLESS the ordinance is required to stop a homeowner from impairing the right of another homeowner to use his/her property. #ConstitutionMatters

Fence & Ground Cover Ordinances & HOA Rules S1E36

Didn’t catch our RFW episode? We discussed: Fence & Ground Cover Ordinances & HOA Rules – Constitutional? Ordinances & HOA Rules enforceable generally? Rules on type, style, size, setbacks; Mandatory Permits & Inspections; and more! 

You can watch it at or listen at

Fence & Ground Covering Ordinances – True or False Tuesday!

Want to answer this weeks’ Tuesday TRUE or FALSE Question? You can answer it at, with no email or social media login required! Make sure to check back to at 10PM EST for the Answer!

Acknowledging Public Officials doing it right – Biblical Insight Wk 35

1 Thessalonians 5:12–13 tells us to “acknowledge those who work hard among you, who care for you in the Lord and who admonish you. Hold them in the highest regard in love because of their work.” So, we thank Prosecutor Kyle Butler for promptly sharing the MSP updates last week, but we also commend this WI community for proactively working to evaluate ALL of their ordinances for constitutionality! youtu.belpL9yN4as5RE

Watch and Take Notes – Wk 32 Way to Get Involved Challenge!

For this week’s Way to Get Involved Challenge, find out if your county court is holding in-person hearings open to the public, online only hearings, or both.  If in person, find a hearing date and time to attend this week.  If the hearings are online, identify at least one hearing to watch live and watch the whole thing.  Take note of any questions you have about the hearing or the court process in general.  Feel free to ask those questions during our next Restore Freedom Weekly Episode (Tuesday at Noon EST).     If your county court doesn’t allow you to attend in person and doesn’t stream on YouTube, let us know.

#PublicAccess #Access #Court #Watch #TakeNotes #Hearing #Questions #LetUsKnow #Constitution #Trial  #MediaCoverage #Episode32 #RestoreFreedom #MoreFreedomLessGovernment #WWTGIC #WayToGetInvolved #WayToGetInvolvedChallenge #WTGIC #GetInvolved

County Government: Constitutional Powers & Responsibilities S1E30

Didn’t catch our RFW episode? We discussed: County Government: Constitutional Powers & Responsibilities, and why you need to know about them! A conversation with County Commissioner Candidate, and Ottawa Impact co-founder, Joe Moss.

• For the document in today’s episode:

You can watch it at or listen at

Municipal Gov’t: Constitutional Powers & Responsibilities – Get Involved Challenge S1E29

Didn’t catch our Get Involved Challenge for “Municipal Government: Constitutional Powers & Responsibilities”? We talked about: In yesterday’s full episode, we covered “Municipal Government: Constitutional Powers & Responsibilities, and why you need to know about them! A conversation with a MI Township Trustee.” So, today, we offer you a tangible way to get involved with what’s happening in YOUR local government. 

You can watch it at

Municipal Government: Constitutional Powers & Responsibilities S1E29

Didn’t catch our RFW episode? We discussed: Municipal Government: Constitutional Powers & Responsibilities, and why you need to know about them! A conversation with a MI Georgetown Township Trustee, Michael Bosch.

You can watch it at or listen at

Ask at Least One LEO – Get Involved Challenge S1E28

Didn’t catch our Get Involved Challenge for “Allegan Election Day 11-3-20 “Trespass” Case FINALLY Dismissed!”? We talked about:

Ask at least 1 LEO this week these 3 questions:
•What conduct is presumptively protected by the First Amendment? (If he looks confused & is in MI, share MCL 750.543z with him, then ask again.)
•Are Resolutions the same as Ordinances, and can you enforce Resolutions upon the public? (For example, can you arrest someone for “violating” a Resolution?)
•Have you heard of the Constitutional Sheriffs & Peace Officers Association?

You can watch it at

Allegan Election Day 11-3-20 “Trespass” Case FINALLY Dismissed! S1E28

Didn’t catch our RFW episode? We discussed: what it took to get it dismissed; what resources are available for YOU in these case documents; what are the next steps for Katherine, the deputies, the prosecutors & judges involved.

• Resources from Allegan Case:
• Order of

You can watch it at or listen at

EPA, CDC & *all* Administrative Agencies Unconstitutional?!? S1E27

As we are on the road from Florida to Michigan today for the Allegan County Election Day 2020 “trespass” case, we had several internet connection and other issues that had us starting later than normal for RFW and gave us poor connection quality. When we finally got to a stable internet connection, the laptop started malfunctioning. 🤦This week, we were going to discuss the 6/30/22 SCOTUS decision from re Administrative Agencies, and a great article from the Epoch Times discussing the topic.  However, after several failed attempts to “go live” with today’s episode of
Restore Freedom Weekly, I am encouraging you to read the Court’s own summary of the full opinion (“Syllabus” on pgs 1-6) as well as the article, both of which I shared as PDFs in the description of this week’s video attempts.

West VA v EPA:

Article & the newest SCOTUS case on point:

While the two videos are available on our YouTube channel’s RFW Episode playlist, we have summarized it in audio here:

What did SCOTUS actually decide? – Get Involved Challenge S1E26

Didn’t catch our Get Involved Challenge for “Overturned Roe v Wade & the Continued Fight”? We talked about:

This week, we’re challenging you to pick just one of the 3 recent court decisions and simply read the court’s summary of the decision (called the Syllabus, and usually about 6 pages). Which issue is most important to you? Right to life, 2A, or Religious Liberty?

The summary for each case can be found as follows:
• Right to Life decision can be found on pg 1-8 at;
• 2A decision can be found on pg 1-6 at;
• Religious Liberty decision can be found on pg 1-5 at

You can watch it at

Overturned Roe v Wade & the Continued Fight S1E26

Didn’t catch our RFW episode? We discussed: The US Supreme Court rulings in the last week: the Dobbs abortion case, the NY 2A case, and the football coach Religious Liberty case! Overturning Roe v Wade, clarifying the US Constitution guarantees no “right” to abortion, striking down the NY gun ban, and clarifying that even public employees have 1st Amendment religious liberties!

But the fight for 2A, the right to life, and religious liberty is far from over!
• The Court’s summary of the Dobbs decision can be found on pg 1-8 at:;
• the summary of the 2A decision can be found on pg 1-6 at:;
• and the summary of the religious liberty decision can be found on pg 1-5 at:

You can watch it at or listen at

Transparency in Government and Community – Biblical Insight S1E25

The US and State Constitutions require transparency in government, but so does the Bible. Ephesians 4:25 tells us “Therefore, having put away falsehood, let each one of you speak the truth with his neighbor, for we are members one of another.” Similarly, James 5:16 says “Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed.”

By |2022-09-26T13:35:12-04:00June 26, 2022|Categories: Biblical Insight|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Katherine Speaking at LGAF Event in Hastings, MI – June 8, 2022

Katherine Speaking at Local Government Accountability Forum Event in Hastings
“In order to retain your rights, you need to know your rights.” 

Review Current Petitions – Get Involved Challenge S1E19

Didn’t catch our Get Involved Challenges for “Republican SoS Nominee Interview & Overview of Current MI Petitions”? In part 2 of 2 we talked about: For Those in MI:

Read the Summary of EACH of the Current Petitions being circulated. If it sounds like something you would be open to supporting, read the full text of the proposal & determine if you still support it.

Help correct confusion you encounter voters having about the various petitions in MI. The list of currently circulating petitions in Michigan can be found at

You can watch it at


Identify in Your State (Part 1) – Get Involved Challenge S1E19

Didn’t catch our Get Involved Challenges for “Republican SoS Nominee Interview & Overview of Current MI Petitions”? In part 1 of 2 we talked about: For Those Outside of MI:

We challenge all those not in Michigan to identify;
-the kind of chief elections official your state has,
-if it is an elected position, &
-if the position is up for election this year.

Knowing and understanding the various state government positions in your state is important. We’d love to hear what you’ve learned from the research you’ve done for your state!

You can watch it at

Republican SoS Nominee Interview & Overview of Current MI Petitions S1E19

Didn’t catch our RFW episode? We discussed: Does government work for the people? One Secretary of State candidate certainly thinks so! Interview with the Republican Secretary of State Nominee & an Overview of Current Michigan Citizens Petitions.

You can watch it at or listen at

Governors Protect God-Given Rights & Liberties – Biblical Insight S1E18

Didn’t catch our Biblical Insight for “A Candid Interview with Ryan D. Kelley, MI’s Gubernatorial Candidate 2022”? The passage for  this week’s Biblical insight is: Isaiah 58:12

“Your people will rebuild the ancient ruins and will raise up the age-old foundations; you will be called Repairer of Broken Walls, Restorer of Streets with Dwellings.”

The Bible says about how a Governor can fully utilize the powers of the Governor of their state to ensure the God-given rights and individual liberties of the People are protected.

We also want to wish all mothers a very Happy Mother’s Day!!

You can watch it at

Black’s Law Dictionary – Get Involved Challenge S1E10

Didn’t catch our Get Involved Challenge for “What is a “law”? Statute, law, Constitution, administrative rule, EO, regulation?”  We talked about: This week we encourage you to get involved by buying a hard copy of the unabridged Black’s Law Dictionary. This link provided will give you on example of what to buy. The version isn’t as important as having a hard copy that you can hold in your hands.

You can watch it at

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