Restore Freedom with Katherine Henry

Dear Governor Interview Clip

After a longer interview by Garret Soldano & Kevin Skinner, I was then asked if I could be face-to-face with Governor Gretchen Whitmer, what would I say?  This short clip shows you exactly what I would have said to her on June 2, 2020!

Departments and Agencies of the Executive Branch – Freedom Fighting Tools S1E18

Didn’t catch our Freedom Fighting Tools for “A Candid Interview with Ryan D. Kelley, MI’s Gubernatorial Candidate 2022”? We talked about:  Get to know your Executive Branch’s departments and agencies. How complex is your state government? What offices are there? Which offices do you vote for? Which ones are appointed or created by the governor, legislature or … ?

Government and the different layers , levels, acronyms and everything else can be quite overwhelming and complicated, but we have to start somewhere.

• Michigan Executive Branch Departments:
• Florida State Agencies:
• Minnesota State Agencies, Boards, Commissions:

You can watch it at

Keep an Eye on Your Governor – Get Involved Challenge S1E18

Didn’t catch our Get Involved Challenge for “A Candid Interview with Ryan D. Kelley, MI’s Gubernatorial Candidate 2022”? We talked about: Currently, there are 28 Republican and 22 Democratic governors in the United States. Not all states have gubernatorial elections this year. There are 20 Republican and 16 Democratic seats up for re-election in 2022.

Part of holding our state governors accountable is paying attention to what they are doing. Press releases by the governor is one way to keep an eye on their actions/intentions. Whether signing up for an email list or checking back regularly, get familiar with your state governor’s press release site.

• Michigan Governor Press Releases:
• Florida Governor Press Releases:

You can watch it at

A Candid Interview with Ryan D. Kelley, MI’s Gubernatorial Candidate 2022 S1E18

Didn’t catch our RFW episode? We discussed: Asking candid questions of Michigan’s Gubernatorial Candidate-2022, Ryan D. Kelley. Whether you’re in Michigan or from another state, you’ll be given ideas of what important questions should be asked of a candidate running for governor. Also, what issues are priority to address and learn what specific constitutional authorities a governor has and their responsibilities. This interview was not pre-scripted.

 You can watch it at or listen at

Abortion & the Constitution – Constitution Segment Recap S1E15

Didn’t catch our Constitution Segment Recap for “Abortion and the Constitution”?v You can watch it at or listen at View Whitmer’s court complaint at

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