Restore Freedom with Katherine Henry

More on standing up to local governments! S1E49

Didn’t catch our RFW episode? We discussed: Last week, we started our in-depth discussion on our Right & our Duty to stand up against Local Government violating our rights. This week, we continue this important discussion with more real-life examples of how YOU can fight back when local government tramples YOUR rights.

You can watch it at or listen at

How to stand up to local governments! S1E48

Didn’t catch our RFW episode? We discussed: Is your local government trampling your rights? Are you afraid to stand up against them? Or maybe just don’t know how? This episode covers the basics of the true powers of local government, how they relate to your individual rights, what you can do when they trample your rights, and real life testimonies of legal ways to fight back!

. You can watch it at or listen at

More on Prosecutor duties – Constitution Segment Recap S1E35

This week we answered the question “is a prosecutor REQUIRED to inform each defendant of potential credibility issues with any testing results relevant to the offense(s) charged?”  Here you can find the Constitution Segment Recap slideshow:

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