Our LIVE Call-In Show this week was educational! We had questions from viewers in Texas, Missouri, Michigan and Florida. We discussed topics like arrest, appeals, access to courts, first amendment auditing, and private property! Join the discussion at YouTube.com/@RestoreFreedom during our next LIVE Call-In Show TUESDAY 5/28/24 at 7PM EST! Donate to Restore Freedom at RestoreFreedomKH.com/Donate or shop RF gear at RestoreFreedomKH.com/Shop!
Liberty Lawyer takes YOUR legal questions LIVE! S3E31
By Lori DeVries|2024-05-14T14:18:49-04:00May 14, 2024|Categories: Podcast, Restore Freedom Weekly|1 Comment
Trying to get in touch, going through the same thing in Jacksonville Florida zoning code enforcement, filed to remove to federal court and have info that could help you over come that HOA that you are fighting. My # 904.463.5050 . I need to send you fileings in federal court but have no email, phone number for you. Zoning/Code enforcement could not produce oaths and bonds or would not and can be removed by the governor Desantis himself if they are not registered in Tallahassee. And also using negative avierment in federal court to make zoning code enforcement prove they are not an HOA…which must have the individual vote of the people to pass laws/ordnance according to the U,C.C. LAW THEY OPERATE UNDER AS A corporation. They lose their charter as a city if they do not comply with UCC rules. We need to set up a meeting? Asap. I have other prominent people working with me to break the grip they have over us.We can not fight this at local level,and we can’t fight alone it must be at the Federal level to break the grip of terror that they have over us. You are not alone, the fence, the containers, the pavement stones, all of it I am going through. Even with privacy signs up they forced their way into my property. I’m off grid, totally and do not contract with the city at all. Solar,garden,chickens, fish, all of it. We the people can crush them like the parasites they are. I would very much like to make this a class action suit. Touch4suggestions@gmail.com 904.463.5050 . Your welcome to visit and stay awhile, I have lots of room. Bring the family, I want to meet your husband. I do the same things he does, he will not be board.