Check out and their pre-made open letter created for YOU to fight these illegal health department mask mandates! Compelling evidence with references to back it up. Read it, send it! You can watch Rachel’s Rundown here:
Amazing mask mandate fighting resource!
By Lori DeVries|2022-12-05T13:21:30-05:00February 1, 2021|Categories: Call to Action, Medical Updates / Scientific Updates, Videos|Tags: Health, Health Department, Informed Consent, Mandate, Mask, MDHHS, MI Health Choice, Open Letter, Parental Rights|2 Comments
There is NO evidence to prove a mask works because they DON'T. As a matter of FACT, some of those cloth mask have a warning printed right on the baqck of the box they come in "will not prevent bacteria or viruses". And, as the daughter of a biochemist, and from a family of them, I can clearly tell the people that viruses are blood pathogens, NOT AIRBORNE. That is, unless the people's blood was airborne, then the virus within their blood. But that is the ONLY way a viruses can live is within the blood and can ONLY live 72 hours outside the human body which is the hepatitis virus. I don't know of ANY virus that is "airborne" let alone ANY virus that could hang around for almost a year.
As the daughter of a biochemist; who worked in the lab of a hospital, I can tell you why doctors ONLY WEAR MASK IN OPERATING ROOMS. When we talk, we ALL spit. Yes no matter how elegant some of these people think they are, when we talk saliva comes out of our mouths. So when surgeons require tools from the nurses, they talk and when they talk that mask can ONLY prevent their spit from flying into the open wound of their patient. As soon as those surgeons come out of those operating rooms, up until this virus scam, they would take them off. Remember ever seeing doctors wear mask before this whole virus plandemic? That's why. THEY KNOW THEY DO NOT STOP BACTERIA THAT CAN REACH UP TO 18 TO 24 FEET. The fibers on those cloth mask are not SMALL enough to stop them. Hence why my family and mother needed a microscope to see them. 0:)