Restore Freedom with Katherine Henry

About Katherine Henry

Katherine Henry is a Constitutional Attorney & the founder of Restore Freedom. She is a homeschooling mom, wife, Christian, business owner & proud American. Already an advocate for our Constitutionally-protected, God-given liberties, she was outraged by the government's blatantly unconstitutional response to Covid19. In our great country, we don’t have a government of attorneys, political elite or special interest groups. We have a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. Since March 2020, Katherine has devoted her entire law practice to educating the public on the Constitution and the law, holding government officials accountable for violating their Constitutional Oaths of Office, and empowering everyday people to make a difference. She’s spoken on the Constitution at hundreds of events, hosts a website full of freedom fighting resources and hundreds of educational videos, launched a weekly Constitution podcast & newsletter, and created a Constitution app for Apple & Android. From writing & organizing a state constitutional amendment petition to assisting in 2020 election fraud cases and arguing in the Michigan Supreme Court against the Governor’s Executive Orders, Katherine has been fighting to Restore our Freedom since day one. A fierce advocate for the truth and the Rule of Law for over 20 years, Katherine fights everyday to restore our government of the people, by the people, and for the people. Her motto: More Freedom, Less Government!

Tomorrow’s Constitutional Answers for YOUR Constitutional Questions!

Tomorrow’s Constitutional Answers for YOUR Constitutional Questions! Our LIVE Call-In Show last time got quite heated! We had callers from South Carolina, Florida and Michigan. We discussed topics like corruption, collusion, venue, judicial immunity, conspiracy & legislative process! Join the discussion at during our next LIVE Call-In Show TUESDAY 7/9/24 at 12PM EST! Donate to Restore Freedom at or shop RF gear at!

By |2024-07-08T15:26:34-04:00July 8, 2024|Categories: EP|0 Comments

Take that, bureaucracy!

The Supreme Court in a vote of 6–3 overturned the so-called Chevron deference, a bureaucracy-empowering judicial doctrine that critics say led to the explosive growth of the U.S. government in recent decades. The 40-year-old judge-invented doctrine holds that an agency’s interpretation of a statute it administers is entitled to deference unless Congress has said otherwise.

By |2024-06-28T12:46:41-04:00June 28, 2024|Categories: Court Documents, Legal Updates|0 Comments

Rehearing Issues – True or False Answer!

T/F Tuesday Answer! No, just because you don’t like the decision a judge has made on an issue in your case does not mean you can just get another hearing on the same issue. Typically, there are specific requirements for requesting a rehearing on an issue, such as those found in FL Rule 9.330.

By |2024-06-18T09:36:30-04:00June 18, 2024|Categories: True or False Answer|0 Comments

6/18/24 LIVE Call-In Show!

Our LIVE Call-In Show this week got quite heated! We had callers from South Carolina, Florida and Michigan. We discussed topics like corruption, collusion, venue, judicial immunity, conspiracy & legislative process! Check out that show at . Join the discussion at during our next LIVE Call-In Show TUESDAY 7/9/24 at 12PM EST! Donate to Restore Freedom at or shop RF gear at!

By |2024-06-18T21:28:13-04:00June 18, 2024|Categories: Restore Freedom Weekly, RFW Livestream|0 Comments

Rehearing Issues – True or False Tuesday Question!

Rehearing Issues – True or False Tuesday! Want to answer this weeks’ Tuesday TRUE or FALSE Question? You can answer it at! Make sure to check back at 10PM EST for the Answer!

By |2024-06-18T09:28:51-04:00June 18, 2024|Categories: True or False Question|0 Comments

Join our next LIVE Call-In Show TUESDAY 6/18/24 at 7PM EST!

Tomorrow’s Constitutional Answers for YOUR Constitutional Questions! Our LIVE Call-In Show this week was great! We had callers from Illinois, Massachusetts, and Tennessee. We discussed topics like red flag laws, FOIA requests, due process, & pro bono help for Pro Se litigants! ‍Join the discussion at during our next LIVE Call-In Show TUESDAY 6/18/24 at 7PM EST!

By |2024-06-17T13:12:40-04:00June 17, 2024|Categories: EP|0 Comments

Disability Discrimination?

If you believe that you or someone else has been discriminated against for being deaf or hard of hearing, on account of another disability, or on account of race, color, national origin, age, sex, or religion, please file a complaint with the HHS Office for Civil Rights at

By |2024-06-06T12:09:42-04:00June 13, 2024|Categories: Freedom Fighting Tools|0 Comments

SCOTUS Decisions – Freedom Fighting Tool!

Given this week’s #GetInvolvedChallenge to READ the official SCOTUS summaries and relevant FULL decisions, this week’s #FreedomFightingTool is . Usually, the 1st few pages of each PDF are the summary (“syllabus”). The link will change when the new term begins.

By |2024-06-03T15:47:18-04:00June 7, 2024|Categories: Court Documents, Freedom Fighting Tools|0 Comments

SCOTUS Decisions – Get Involved Challenge

When a new SCOTUS decision comes out, do you READ it yourself? Or do you read only summaries or take someone else’s word for it?  It’s time we STOP being ignorant and dependent! So, this week’s #GetInvolvedChallenge is to read the official summaries (“syllabus”) of EACH new case, and for any topics that interest or involve you, read the FULL decision for YOURSELF! Will it take time and patience? Yes, but Freedom doesn’t come easy!

By |2024-06-03T15:25:16-04:00June 5, 2024|Categories: Get Involved|1 Comment

SCOTUS Has Final Say? T/F Tuesday Answer!

SCOTUS Has Final Say? T/F Tuesday Answer:  Art III of the Constitution vests judicial power in the SCOTUS for all cases arising under the constitution.  So, what is “judicial power?” It is the “authority vested in courts to hear and decide cases and to make binding judgments on them; the power to construe and apply the law when controversies arise over what has been de or not done under it.” Black’s Law Dictionary. So, does SCOTUS have power to declare acts constitutional or unconstitutional? Or only within the contexts of the specific disputes before them? #ConstitutionMatters

By |2024-06-03T15:10:28-04:00June 4, 2024|Categories: True or False Answer|0 Comments

6/4/24 LIVE Call-In Show!

Our LIVE Call-In Show this week was great! We had callers from Illinois, Massachusetts, and Tennessee. We discussed topics like red flag laws, FOIA requests, due process, & pro bono help for Pro Se litigants! Check out that show at Join the discussion at during our next LIVE Call-In Show TUESDAY 6/18/24 at 7PM EST! Donate to Restore Freedom at or shop RF gear at!

By |2024-06-04T13:57:32-04:00June 4, 2024|Categories: Restore Freedom Weekly, RFW Livestream|0 Comments

SCOTUS Has Final Say? True or False Tuesday Question!

SCOTUS Has Final Say? True or False Tuesday! Want to answer this weeks’ Tuesday TRUE or FALSE Question? You can answer it at! Make sure to check back at 10PM EST for the Answer!

By |2024-06-03T15:02:58-04:00June 4, 2024|Categories: True or False Question|0 Comments

Tomorrow’s Constitutional Answers for YOUR Constitutional Questions! LIVE Call-In Show TUESDAY 6/4/24 at 12PM EST!

Tomorrow’s Constitutional Answers for YOUR Constitutional Questions! Our LIVE Call-In Show this week was educational! We had questions from viewers in Texas, Missouri, Michigan and Florida. We discussed topics like arrest, appeals, access to courts, first amendment auditing, and private property! ‍Join the discussion at during our next LIVE Call-In Show TUESDAY 6/4/24 at 12PM EST!

By |2024-06-03T14:35:13-04:00June 3, 2024|Categories: EP|0 Comments

Reply Brief – Freedom Fighting Tool

So, you’re in court & the other side has just filed a brief FULL of lies. They lied about the facts, the law, what the main legal issues are. How do you respond? This week’s #FreedomFightingTool is an example of how to respond to such a document.

By |2024-05-13T15:47:14-04:00May 17, 2024|Categories: Freedom Fighting Tools|0 Comments

Way to Get Involved Challenge – Magistrate Hearing

The Henrys have been hauled into yet another Magistrate hearing – this time to cover the “harm” Henrys’ pavers & privacy fence cause to the city. So, this week’s #GetInvolvedChallenge is to join them in support at OB City Hall at 10AM on Monday 5/20/24. Katherine’s been there to help countless people being unconstitutionally trampled by the government. Will you be there for Katherine?

By |2024-05-13T14:46:50-04:00May 15, 2024|Categories: Get Involved|0 Comments

True or False Answer – Duty to Hear a Case?

True or False Answer! Although court rules and common procedures make it an uphill battle to have an appeal actually considered, We The People have a RIGHT to adequate access to the courts. In April’s SCOTUS FBI v Fikre case, they held that “a court with jurisdiction has a virtually unflagging obligation to hear and resolve questions properly before it.” Now, to just be able to enforce this … 🤔

By |2024-05-13T14:35:03-04:00May 14, 2024|Categories: True or False Answer|0 Comments

5/14/24 LIVE Call-In Show!

Our LIVE Call-In Show this week was educational! We had questions from viewers in Texas, Missouri, Michigan and Florida. We discussed topics like arrest, appeals, access to courts, first amendment auditing, and private property! Check out that show at Join the discussion at during our next LIVE Call-In Show TUESDAY 5/28/24 at 7PM EST! Donate to Restore Freedom at or shop RF gear at!

By |2024-05-14T14:14:44-04:00May 14, 2024|Categories: Restore Freedom Weekly, RFW Livestream|0 Comments

True or False Question – Duty to Hear a Case?

Duty to Hear a Case – True or False Tuesday! Want to answer this weeks’ Tuesday TRUE or FALSE Question? You can answer it at! Make sure to check back at 10PM EST for the Answer!

By |2024-05-13T14:35:29-04:00May 14, 2024|Categories: True or False Question|0 Comments

Tomorrow’s Constitutional Answers for YOUR Constitutional Questions! S3E31

Tomorrow’s Constitutional Answers for YOUR Constitutional Questions! Our LIVE Call-In Show last time was fired up! We had questions from viewers in Norway, California, Michigan and Florida. We discussed topics like prior restraint, self-representation, access to courts, 2A, and appeals! Join the discussion at during our next LIVE Call-In Show TUESDAY 5/14/24 at 12PM EST! Donate to Restore Freedom at or shop RF gear at!

By |2024-05-13T14:01:48-04:00May 13, 2024|Categories: EP|0 Comments
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