Ormond Beach v Henrys Case Documents

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  1. Documents filed in Circuit Court March 2023
    1. Henry’s Notice of Appeal, Notice of Joinder (Countersuit), etc.
  2. Documents filed in Circuit Court April 2023
    1. Henrys’ Emergency Motions for Relief from Orders & for Stay Pending Appeal
      1. Jurisdiction
      2. Motion for Relief from Order
        1. Subject Matter Jurisdiction
        2. Ultra Vires Acts Deprived Henrys of Due Process
      3. Motion for Stay Pending Appeal
      4. Conclusion and Prayer for Relief
      5. Certificate of Service

    2. Henrys’ Appendix of Exhibits for Emergency Motions
      This includes:

      1. Exhibit 1 – Oct 2022 OB Action
      2. Exhibit 2 – Dec 2022 OB Action
      3. Exhibit 3 – Jan 2023 OB Action
      4. Exhibit 4 – Feb 2023 Henry Response Filed
        1. Hearing Summary
          1. Intro
          2. Illegal Cherry Picking by OB
          3. Equal Protection Violations
          4. OB Will Not Issue Permits
          5. Oath of Office
          6. Conclusion
        2. Notice of Proposed Action sent to OB 11/8/22
        3. Map Showing Neighborhood “Violations” of the same kind
        4. List of 810 Neighborhood “Violations”
        5. Photo Samples of Equal Protection Violations
        6. Emails etc with OB
      5. Exhibit 5 – Special Magistrate Orders March 2023 Filed
        1. Order re Fence
        2. Order re Containers
        3. Order re Pavers
      6. Exhibit 6 – Henry Motion for Relief from Order & Motion for Stay to Special Magistrate Filed Mar 24, 2023
      7. Exhibit 7 – March 2023 Emails Filing & Serving Henry Motions
      8. Exhibit 8 – Proposed Order

    3. City of Ormond Beach’s Response to Henrys’ Emergency Motion & OB’s Motion to Strike Henrys’ Notice of Joinder
    4. Henry’s Response to OB’s Motion to Strike
  3. Documents Filed in Circuit Court June & July 2023
    1. Henry’s Appellate Brief (June 2, 2023)
    2. Ormond Beach’s Answer Brief (June 30, 2023)
    3. Henrys’ Reply Brief (July 27, 2023)
    4. Henry’s Motion for Oral Argument & Proposed Order (July 27, 2023)
  4. Complaints Filed by Henrys Against OB April 2023

    1. City Park’s LDC Violation re Pods Container
    2. City Attorney’s LDC Violation re Parking Surface
    3. City Attorney’s LDC Violation re Utility Structure
    4. City Attorney’s LDC Violation re Repairs Without a Permit
    5. Criminal Complaints Filed by Henrys Against Deputy City Attorney, Code Inspector, Code Inspection Supervisor, Special Magistrate

      1. Criminal Trespass
      2. Burglary
      3. Destruction of Private Fence
      4. Unlawful Control Over Real Property
      5. Theft
      6. Extortion
      7. Obstructing Justice – Taking Private Property Under Color of Law
      8. Racketeering
      9. Criminal Anarchy, Treason, and Other Crimes Against Public Order – Oath

  5. Circuit Court Orders
    1. Initial Order for OB to Respond to Emergency Motion 040523
    2. Amended Order Staying Special Magistrate Orders & for OB to Respond 040623
    3. Order Granting Stay for Henrys & Granting OB’s Motion to Strike 051723
    4. Order Granting Partial Relief rendered 030724

  6. 2024 Appeal Filings
    1. Henrys’ Petition for Writ of Certiorari
    2. Henrys’ Appendix for Petition
    3. Henrys’ Notice of Constitutional Question (served on Attorney General)
    4. Court Order for OB to Respond to Petition within 20 days
    5. Henrys’ Motion for Stay filed in Circuit Court, Pending 5DCA Review
    6. Henrys’ Motion for Appellate Costs
    7. Henrys’ Notice of Supplemental Authority
    8. OB’s Notices of upcoming 5/20/24 Magistrate Hearing
    9. Henrys’ Motion for Stay in 5DCA & Appendix
    10. OB’s Petition Response “Answer Brief”
    11. OB’s Motion to “Correct” the Record
    12. Henrys’ Response to OB’s Motion to “Correct” the Record
    13. Henrys’ Motion to Strike OB’s Petition Response
    14. 5DCA Court’s Order Denying Stay
    15. Henrys’ Reply “brief”
  7. Misc Case Documents
    1. Minutes from the 022723 Special Magistrate Hearing