Henry's Ex Parte Motion to Secure Public Access to the Hearings in Her Case

Court records are matters of public record, and the public also has the right to access court hearings. The accused greatly benefit from this public eye keeping watch over judicial proceedings. Henry was denied public hearings at almost every stage of her case in Allegan County. Several times she filed requests for the court to overturn the illegal and unconstitutional denial of the public’s access to what transpired in her hearings. This PDF is the latest Motion Henry filed (after her charges were finally dismissed) to secure this public access. [The PDF includes Henry’s motion, the proposed order she drafted for the court, and the proof of service.] (The Prosecutor has no legal interest in this request, so it was filed as an Ex Parte Motion, which the court should have granted without even holding a hearing. However, the court failed to do so, instead setting it for another Zoom only hearing – violating Henry’s rights to ADA accommodations and public access in the meantime.) The Notice to Appear for that Zoom hearing can be found at https://restorefreedomkh.com/nta-mtn-hrg-090122/

The May 2022 Motion & Supporting Legal Brief Henry filed on the issue (which she referenced in this August 2022 Motion) can be found at https://restorefreedomkh.com/motion-brief_-declaratory-relief-open-hearings-v2/

Original File name: Ex Parte Mtn re Records Request, POS, Proposed Order