For today’s Friday Freedom Fighting Tools, we again invite you to check out the dozens of documents filed in the Allegan County Election Day “Trespass” Case.  There’s great examples of various types of Motions, Briefs, and proposed Orders, etc.  Plus, the first PDF listed below serves as a Content Menu to identify which main topics all of these court documents cover.  Whether you have a situation right now, or you will simply inevitably need to defend yourself later, these court documents offer all the basics and more to do so effectively!

Resources from Allegan Case:

Allegan Motions, Briefs, etc.:

#8: Legal Briefs, Cases & How to Use Them

#9: Your Right to be on Government property generally & “Trespassing” on privately owned property open to the general public

#10: What is a “law”? Statute, law, constitution, administrative rule, EO, regulation?

#13: April Fools’ and the Enforceability of Resolutions.  Are Resolutions the same as Laws?  At a local level, can the people be regulated by Resolutions?  Don’t let the government fool you!

#20: Substantive Due Process v Procedural Due Process

#21: Motions to Dismiss

#22: Jurisdiction – does the court have the authority to hear your case?

#24: Do you have a Right to run for office?  What the Constitution says about Ballot Access

#Constitution #Law #Allegan #Resource #FirstAmendment #1stAmendment #1A #IndividualLiberty #Resolution #Ordinance #RestoreFreedom #MoreFreedomLessGovernment #Episode28  #FridayFreedomFightingTools #Freedom #Fighting #Tools